About Us

About The Eureka Chapter
The American Rhododendron Society is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to encourage interest in and to disseminate information about the genus Rhododendron.

The Eureka Chapter has been an official chapter of the American Rhododendron Society since 1984. Our Chapter is one of 65 chapters spread throughout the United States, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Holland, Scotland, Sweden and Sikkim (India). The Eureka Chapter is in the 5th District of the American Rhododendron Society.

Our Chapter is a vibrant, active organization with over 100 members, making it one of the largest in the ARS.

The membership is comprised of very knowledgeable rhododendron experts, professional gardeners, commercial growers, botanists and a mix of passionate members who range from ardent hobbyists to novices. Our chapter has a strong association with the ARS organizational body, evidenced by member appointments for district directors (we are in District 5, currently Tim Walsh is our very active member and district director) along with members serving on committees at the ARS level. Our chapter has a handful of bronze, silver and gold award recipient (recognizing their great contributions to ARS) selected by the Society.

The chapter has held its very popular Rhododendron Flower Show and Plant Sale during Eureka’s Rhododendron Festival at the end of April each year since 1984.

We are located in Humboldt County, Northern California, land of the gorgeous redwood forests and the Pacific Ocean. Our rhododendrons thrive in this temperate climate zone, garden Zone 9b.

Rhododendrons and Azaleas combine for over 900 plant species. With so much to learn and discover, the Eureka Chapter enables members and plant enthusiasts to focus and increase their plant knowledge through our fun and informative programs, expert speakers, field trips, volunteer opportunities and more!