Merchandise for Sale

Eureka Chapter Sweatshirts and T-shirts can be ordered at chapter meetings. During our Covid 19 ‘situation’, you may contact us through our ‘Contact’ page and we can try to arrange a way to help you make your purchase.

Purchase at chapter meetings

You can purchase merchandise at the monthly society meetings.

MerchandiseSize OptionsPrice List
T Shirt: Long SleeveX-Large$15.00
T Shirt: Short SleeveX-Large$10.00
Merchandise available through*

You can also purchase a wide variety of merchandise through

*A free way to support the ARS: To support the ARS, if you go to the before making an online purchase, ARS benefits! For example: When you access or another participating merchant from the ARSStore links, you get the same low price and a referral fee from every sale goes to the American Rhododendron Society. All commissions on referral (4% – 25%) will go directly to the ARS, as an IRS 501 (C) (3) nonprofit organization.